
JasperStarter - Running JasperReports from command line

Release notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.6.2

** Bug
    * JAS-161 CVE-2021-44832 in log4j-2.17.0

Release notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.6.1

** Bug
    * JAS-160 log4j 2.16.0 is vulnerable to CVE-2021-45105

Release notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.6.0

** Bug
    * CVE-2019-17571 - Included in Log4j 1.2 is a SocketServer class that is
      vulnerable to deserialization of untrusted data which can be exploited to
      remotely execute arbitrary code when combined with a deserialization
      gadget when listening to untrusted network traffic for log data. This
      affects Log4j versions up to 1.2 up to 1.2.17.

    * [JAS-158] Jasperstarter contains an old log4j-1.2.17 which is affected by CVE-2019-17571
    * [JAS-146] mvn: Could not resolve dependencies \(...\) from/to jaspersoft.artifactoryonline.com
    * [JAS-142] Failed to generate qrcode - zxing library missing

** Improvement
    * [JAS-156] Is JasperStarter vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228

** Task
    * [JAS-157] Include JasperReports 6.18.1

Release notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.5.0

** Bug
    * [JAS-134] - "InterruptedException" should not be ignored in App.java
    * [JAS-135] - comparisons between unrelated types in Config.java

** New Feature
    * [JAS-131] - Jasperstarter does not provide a way to use the query string saved in the report itself

** Task
    * [JAS-133] - Release Pipeline takes longer than before
    * [JAS-136] - Throwable.printStackTrace(...) should not be called in Report.java setLookAndFeel()
    * [JAS-137] - Do not use a bitwise operator with a Boolean-like operand in ParameterPanel.java
    * [JAS-138] - Do not use a bitwise operator with a Boolean-like operand in ParameterPrompt.java

Release notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.4.1

** Bug
    * [JAS-132] - Security alert on org.springframework:spring-core
                  Updated springframework to 4.3.21

    CVE-2016-5007 - moderate severity - Vulnerable versions: < 4.3.1
    CVE-2018-1275 - high severity - Vulnerable versions: < 4.3.16
    CVE-2018-1272 - moderate severity - Vulnerable versions: < 4.3.15
    CVE-2018-1271 - moderate severity - Vulnerable versions: < 4.3.15
    CVE-2018-1270 - high severity - Vulnerable versions: < 4.3.16
    CVE-2018-1257 - moderate severity - Vulnerable versions: < 4.3.17

Release notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.4.0

  JasperStarter-3.2.0 silently dropped Java7 support by using the
  latest available JasperReports Library.
  JasperReports-6.4.0 is the last release which works with Java7 so
  JasperStarter-3.1.0 was the latest release supporting Java7.

  Now JasperStarter needs Java8 at a minimum and is manually tested
  with OpenJDK-8, OpenJDK-10, OpenJDK-11. Automatic testing is on the
  way (see JAS-128).
  There will be a special release supporting Java7.

  "Diskless" operation using stdin and stdout for input data and
  output is now complete. See ([JAS-97] and [JAS-89]).

  A public API allows direct integration with Python using jpy

Known bugs:
    * [JAS-120] - JasperReports-6.7.0 Version does not match with
                  reported version from the jar file in
      This is an upstream error which causes JasperStarter to put out
      a wrong JasperReports version number of 6.6.0 instead of 6.7.0
      if you call: jasperstarter -V

** Bug
    * [JAS-111] - JRE 1.7 incompatibility - not fixed in the main
                  release but clarified.
    * [JAS-122] - Runtime error if a chart with "chart customizers" is
    * [JAS-126] - Jasperstarter does not usefully propagate
                  compilation errors

** New Feature
    * [JAS-97] - Use stdout for the resulting PDF (so we don't have to
                 write to the hosting server's storage)
    * [JAS-125] - Make report fill accessible via API

** Task
    * [JAS-127] - Enable dependency caching in build pipeline
    * [JAS-129] - Remove test dependency to font Arial
    * [JAS-130] - launch4j-maven-plugin:1.5.2 depends on 32bit

Release notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.3.0

Known bugs:
    * [JAS-120] - JasperReports-6.7.0 Version does not match with reported version from the jar file in 
      This is an upstream error which causes JasperStarter to put out
      a wrong JasperReports version number of 6.6.0 instead of 6.7.0
      if you call: jasperstarter -V

** Bug
    * [JAS-116] - SSL error
    * [JAS-121] - Container 'Build' exceeded memory limit.
    * [JAS-122] - Runtime error if a chart with "chart customizers" is used

** New Feature
    * [JAS-113] - JSONQL data source support

** Task
    * [JAS-102] - Pipeline: enable build artifact upload to download section
    * [JAS-119] - Include JasperReports-6.7.0

** Improvement
    * [JAS-89] - Accept stdin for datafile input

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.2.1

** Task
    * [JAS-109] - Include JasperReports-6.4.3

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.2.0

** Bug
    * [JAS-96] - Enable JavaScript in expression
    * [JAS-99] - jasperreports-functions not in maven central
    * [JAS-100] - Pipeline build failed: Font "Arial" is not available to the JVM
    * [JAS-101] - Pipeline build failed: net.sf.launch4j.ExecException: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program
    * [JAS-107] - JasperStarter could not run reports with Barcode4J barcodes

** Task
    * [JAS-108] - Include JasperReports 6.4.1

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.1.0

** New Feature
    * [JAS-83] - JSON file as a data source

** Task
    * [JAS-95] - Include JasperReports 6.4.0

** Improvement
    * [JAS-84] - How to pass $P{XML_DATA_DOCUMENT} to sub report - additional documentation

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 3.0.0

This Release works with Java8.

** Bug
    * [JAS-69] - Calls of assertEquals have the arguments actual and
                 expected interchanged 
    * [JAS-70] - Example report csv.jrxml truncates data 
    * [JAS-80] - jasperstarter by default is missing some important
                 jasper studio builtin libraries 
    * [JAS-81] - Eclipse compiler error when running using Java 8

** Improvement
    * [JAS-68] - Expand documentation with calls of running the
                 example reports 

** New Feature
    * [JAS-67] - Ability to produce CSV Metadata reports
    * [JAS-72] - Ability to produce XLS Metadata reports

** Task
    * [JAS-57] - Switching from Mercurial to Git
    * [JAS-59] - Include JasperReports 6.0.0
    * [JAS-61] - update dependencies
    * [JAS-65] - Include JasperReports 6.0.2
    * [JAS-66] - Include JasperReports 6.0.3
    * [JAS-76] - Git version and revision information in manifest file
    * [JAS-79] - Include JasperReports 6.0.4

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 2.2.2

** Bug
    * [JAS-63] - Version 2.2 WindowsSetup replace the path variable

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 2.2.1

** Bug
    * [JAS-58] - DB type generic should not require a username
    * [JAS-62] - Linux startup script does not work if called via symlink

** Task
    * [JAS-57] - Switching from Mercurial to Git (Branch Jasperstarter-2.2)

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 2.2.0

** Bug
    * [JAS-54] - Eclipse complains: Plugin execution not covered by
                 lifecycle configuration

** New Feature
    * [JAS-56] - Support for XML data sources

** Task
    * [JAS-48] - Rewrite api calls deprecated since JasperReports 5.6.0
    * [JAS-49] - Rewrite code reported by -Xlint:unchecked

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 2.1.2

** Bug
    * [JAS-53] - Property net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet was overrided

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 2.1.1

** Task
    * [JAS-52] - Include JasperReports 5.6.1

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 2.1.0

** Bug
    * [JAS-40] - No page title is set in index.html

** New Feature
    * [JAS-50] - Accept number of copies when printing

** Task
    * [JAS-47] - Include JasperReports 5.6.0

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 2.0.0

The command line syntax has changed in this release! 
<input> is now an argument and the format of report parameters has changed.
Specifying the parameter type is no longer necessary. The type is determined
from the report and it is no longer possible to provide a non existent
The major new feature is support for csv files as a datasource.

** Bug
    * [JAS-37] - The artifact org.apache.commons:commons-io:jar:1.3.2 has been
                 relocated to commons-io:commons-io:jar:1.3.2
    * [JAS-41] - Command "jasperstarter params" gives no useful result if param
                 has no description

** Improvement
    * [JAS-15] - Report parameters should be handled in a more generic way
    * [JAS-42] - Accept <input> as positional argument instead of an option

** New Feature
    * [JAS-30] - CSV as a datasource for Jasperstarter

** Task
    * [JAS-23] - create unit test
    * [JAS-24] - create example reports
    * [JAS-34] - site translation de for release 2.0
    * [JAS-35] - site translation cz for release 2.0
    * [JAS-38] - Update build dependencies
    * [JAS-39] - Include JasperReports 5.2.0

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 1.4.2

** Bug
    * [JAS-41] - Command "jasperstarter params" gives no useful result
                 if param has no description 

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 1.4.1

** Bug
    * [JAS-33] - Report parameter with space produces error on Unix
                 like systems

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 1.4.0

** Bug
    * [JAS-29] - Documentation typo java.awt.image

** Task
    * [JAS-31] - Include JasperReports 5.1.2
    * [JAS-32] - Include argparse4j 0.4.1

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 1.3.0

This release is mainly due to the new JasperReports library version 5.1.0.

** Improvement
    * [JAS-28] - Include argparse4j 0.4.0 which introduces some features to the
                 - Argument abbreviations
                 - Subcommand abbreviations

** Task
    * [JAS-27] - Include JasperReports 5.1.0

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 1.2.0

This release is mainly due to the new JasperReports library version 5.0.4.

** Improvement
    * [JAS-25] - Implement command aliases

** Task
    * [JAS-19] - create an independent configuration bean as replacement for the
                 parser dependend namspace object
    * [JAS-20] - move any call of System.exit() to App.main()
    * [JAS-21] - remove obsolete option --keep
    * [JAS-26] - Use jasperreports library 5.0.4

Release Notes - JasperStarter - Version 1.1.0

JasperStarter is now able to prompt for report parameters.

** Bug
    * [JAS-5] - Maven site does not create index.html if called directly
    * [JAS-6] - Maven site does not generate translation if called directly
    * [JAS-11] - Maven site does not create index.html if called via package
    * [JAS-16] - Selection of the report locale yields unexpected results in
                 some cases

** Improvement
    * [JAS-13] - new parameter type locale to specify report locale independent
                 from gui locale

** New Feature
    * [JAS-12] - new option to specify report resources like resource bundles or
    * [JAS-14] - New option: prompt for report parameters
    * [JAS-17] - New Command: List report parameters

** Task
    * [JAS-7] - Site translation cs
    * [JAS-22] - site translation de


 1.0.1  [JAS-18] - Unable to save output into Excel format

        JasperStarter now has commands: pr - process, lp - list printers.
        New command: cp - compile, can compile one file or all .jrxml in a
        New input file types for command pr allowed:
          jrxml    - compiles implicit
          jrprint  - print, view or export previously filled reports.
        New output type: jrprint. This makes --keep obsolete.
        New parameter -w writes compiled file to input dir if jrxml is
        Parameter -t defaults to "none" and can therefore be omited if no
        database is needed.
        Input file is read once. No temporary files needed anymore.
        Setup checks for previous versions and creates menuitems for uninstall
        and help.
        Setup is available in English, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, French,
        Hungarian, German, Polish, Romanian, Thai, Ukrainian.
        [JAS-2] - runtime parameter value cannot contain equal sign
        Contains JasperReports 5.0.1
        German translation for Site/docs
        [JAS-4] - java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
        [JAS-8] - java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
        [JAS-9] - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
                  URI has an authority component

 0.10.0 New report parameter types: double, image (see usage).
        New supported export formats: xls, xlsx, csv, ods, pptx, xhtml, xml.
        Windows setup available.
        --version shows included JasperReports version.
        Fixed some minor bugs.

V 0.9.1 Bugfix release fixed problems with --jdbc-dir option.

V 0.9.0 First public release
        Switched from Commons CLI to argparse4j.
        Project documentation in generated site.
        README uses markdown syntay, renamed to README.md.
        Applied Apache License 2.0 to the software.
        JasperStarter now starts via executable files in ./bin.
        Windows binary jasperstarter.exe is generated with launch4j.

V 0.8.0 Switched to maven.

V 0.7.1 Fixed issue: duplicated option -n

V 0.7.0 new option --set-report-name to temporary change the reportname when
        printing. This is useful if you want to change the printjob name for
        printing to a pdf printer like cups-pfd which uses the document name as
        part of the pdf name by default.

V 0.6.0 new options --printer-name --with-print-dialog --list-printers
        printername matches .toLowercase().startWith() and spaces can be escaped
        by the underline character _.
        print dialog and viewer appear in system look an feel.

V 0.5.0 support for postgres, oracle and generic jdbc
        password is no longer a required option except for oracle
        jrprint file is stored in system temp dir and deleted after processing
        new options --jdbc-dir, --debug, --keep-jrprint
        file extension .jasper is added to input if omitted
        output can be omitted or can be file or directory

V 0.4.0 jdbc drivers are loaded from jdbc dir
        new parameter: db-type: none, mysql (none provides JREmptyDataSource()
           for a non database report)
        support for barcode4j

V 0.3.1 Bugfix: removed jasperreports-javaflow
        added barbecue barcode lib

V 0.3.0 Print preview
        nicer help message
        package renamed
V 0.2.0 Print support added
        Added exportformats html, odt
        Added report parameter type date.
        New parameter db-name - database name

V 0.1.0 First working version
        Supports export to PDF, DOCX, RTF.
        Simple report parameters of type string and int.