- Installation
- Invoking JasperStarter
- Concepts
- JasperStarter commands and options
- Command files
- Processing reports
- File Handling
- Examples
Windows users
Unzip the distribution archive to a directory of your choice for example:
Add the directory
to your user or system path variable
or simply use the setup.exe
Linux users
Extract the distribution archive to a directory of your choice for example:
Add the directory
to your user or system path.
For ArchLinux an AUR Package is available here:
Invoking JasperStarter
If you put the bin dir on the seach path, just type
$ jasperstarter
to invoke the program.
If not, you can use an absolute path. On Linux:
and on Windows:
if you followed the example in the install section.
If you have any problem with the binary or shell script or you need to specify some extra options to your java vm, you can invoke the program directly:
$ java -jar /opt/jasperstarter/lib/jasperstarter.jar
$ java -cp /opt/jasperstarter/lib/jasperstarter.jar de.cenote.jasperstarter.App
JasperReport files
JasperReports know three types of files:
- The report definition file myreport.jrxml
This file is an xml file that defines the report, You can create it by hand but usually you will use one of the nice available GUI tools.
- The compiled report file myreport.jasper
This file is the result of compiling an .jrxml file.
- The filled report file myreport.jrprint
This file is the result of running a report. The data which is retrieved from the defined datasource is filled in the compiled report and can be stored in a .jrprint file.
Stages of processing
There are three stages of processing a JasperReport:
- compiling results in a .jasper file
- filling can optionally be stored in a .jrprint file
- viewing, printing or exporting to one or more of the supported formats
JasperStarter can carry out all of them in one commanding call.
JasperStarter commands and options
JasperStarter has some global options and commands. Every command can have it's own options.
You can get an overview if you invoke jasperstarter with -h which shows you the global options and the available commands.
$ jasperstarter -h usage: jasperstarter [-h] [--locale <lang>] [-v] [-V] <cmd> ... optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --locale <lang> set locale with two-letter ISO-639 code or a combination of ISO-639 and ISO-3166 like de_DE -v, --verbose display additional messages -V, --version display version information and exit commands: <cmd> type <cmd> -h to get help on command compile (cp) compile reports process (pr) view, print or export an existing report list_printers (printers,lpr) lists available printers list_parameters (params,lpa) list parameters from a given report
Every command has it's own help which can be invoked with <command> -h.
The command compile (cp)
The command compile is for compiling one report or all reports in a directory. cp is an alias for compile.
$ jasperstarter cp -h usage: jasperstarter compile [-h] [-o <output>] <input> optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit options: <input> input file (.jrxml) or directory -o <output> directory or basename of outputfile(s)
The command process (pr)
The command process is for processing a report. Thant means viewing, printing or exporting. pr is an alias for process.
$ jasperstarter pr -h usage: jasperstarter process [-h] -f <fmt> [<fmt> ...] [-o <output>] [-w] [-a [<filter>]] [-P <param> [<param> ...]] [-r [<resource>]] [-t <dstype>] [-H <dbhost>] [-u <dbuser>] [-p <dbpasswd>] [-n <dbname>] [--db-sid <sid>] [--db-port <port>] [--db-driver <name>] [--db-url <jdbcUrl>] [--jdbc-dir <dir>] [--data-file <file>] [--csv-first-row] [--csv-columns <list>] [--csv-record-del <delimiter>] [--csv-field-del <delimiter>] [--csv-charset <charset>] [--xml-xpath <xpath>] [--json-query <jsonquery>] [--jsonql-query <jsonqlquery>] [-N <printername>] [-d] [-s <reportname>] [-c <copies>] [--out-field-del <delimiter>] [--out-charset <charset>] <input> optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit options: -f <fmt> [<fmt> ...] view, print, pdf, rtf, xls, xlsMeta, xlsx, docx, odt, ods, pptx, csv, csvMeta, html, xhtml, xml, jrprint <input> input file (.jrxml|.jasper|.jrprint) -o <output> directory or basename of outputfile(s), use '-' for stdout compile options: -w, --write-jasper write .jasper file to input dir if jrxml is processed fill options: -a [<filter>] ask for report parameters. Filter: a, ae, u, ue, p, pe (see usage) -P <param> [<param> ...] report parameter: name=value [...] -r [<resource>] path to report resource dir or jar file. If <resource> is not given the input directory is used. datasource options: -t <dstype> datasource type: none, csv, xml, json, jsonql, mysql, postgres, oracle, generic (jdbc) -H <dbhost> database host -u <dbuser> database user -p <dbpasswd> database password -n <dbname> database name --db-sid <sid> oracle sid --db-port <port> database port --db-driver <name> jdbc driver class name for use with type: generic --db-url <jdbcUrl> jdbc url without user, passwd with type:generic --jdbc-dir <dir> directory where jdbc driver jars are located. Defaults to ./jdbc --data-file <file> input file for file based datasource, use '-' for stdin --csv-first-row first row contains column headers --csv-columns <list> Comma separated list of column names --csv-record-del <delimiter> CSV Record Delimiter - defaults to line.separator --csv-field-del <delimiter> CSV Field Delimiter - defaults to "," --csv-charset <charset> CSV charset - defaults to "utf-8" --xml-xpath <xpath> XPath for XML Datasource --json-query <jsonquery> JSON query string for JSON Datasource --jsonql-query <jsonqlquery> JSONQL query string for JSONQL Datasource output options: -N <printername> name of printer -d show print dialog when printing -s <reportname> set internal report/document name when printing -c <copies> number of copies. Defaults to 1 --out-field-del <delimiter> Export CSV (Metadata) Field Delimiter - defaults to "," --out-charset <charset> Export CSV (Metadata) Charset - defaults to "utf- 8"
The command list_printers (printers,lpr)
The command list_printers has no options. It lists the available printers on your system which can be used with optin -N of the command process. printers, lpr are aliases for list_printers.
The command list_parameters (params,lpa)
The command list_parameters lists all user defined parameters of a given report. params, lpa are aliases for list_parameters.
$ jasperstarter params -h usage: jasperstarter list_parameters [-h] <input> optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit options: <input> input file (.jrxml) or (.jasper)
The columns have the following meaning:
- P/N - Prompt or no promt flag
- Parameter name
- Parameter type (class name)
- Optional description
Example output:
$ jasperstarter params myreport.jasper P background java.awt.Image Background image P MyName java.lang.String Title of some component P MyDate java.util.Date
Command files
Every command, option or argument JasperStarter accepts can be stored in a file that can be additionally provided with the @ sign.
The file should contain one command/option/argument per line.
Example file (db.conf):
-t mysql -H localhost -n mydb -u volker
Example invocation with command file:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport -f view @db.conf
Attention! The command file should not contain any empty lines and just one linebreak with no spaces at the end of the file!
Processing reports
To process a report you must provide the process command pr which needs the following options:
input file (report definition, compiled report or filled report).-f
a space separated list of output formats.- view and print are mutually exclusive thus print is ignored if view is given.
a datasource type if your report needs one. Defaults to none.- if datasource type is not none you must specify other options depending
on the type of the datasource.
- if datasource type is not none you must specify other options depending
All other options are optional.
For output -o
see section "File Handling".
is now just an argument. The order of options and this argument does not matter but an argument cannot be placed behind an option that takes a vague number of arguments by itself. These options are:
- -f -a -P -r
So the following statement will not work:
$ jasperstarter pr -f view myreport.jasper
But these will:
$ jasperstarter pr -f print pdf -d myreport.jasper $ jasperstarter pr -f view -t mysql myreport.jasper -H localhost -u myuser -n mydb
The easiest way to circumvent any problems regarding arguments is to always place <input>
at the first position right behind the command as shown in the following examples.
The minimum non datasource report
The minimum options needed, to process a report with an empty datasource:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f view
The minimum database report
The minimum options required to process a report that needs a database connection:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f pdf -t mysql -H localhost -n mydb -u appuser
View, print or export previously filled reports
You can fill a report at one time and view, print or export it at a later time.
Just fill one report:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f jrprint -t mysql -H localhost -n mydb -u appuser
View a previously filled report:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jrprint -f view
Reports with a CSV datasource
The CSV file charset defaults to UTF-8. Other common used charsets are cp1252 (Windows), ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-15 (Linux). You can specify the csv file charset with the --csv-charset parameter.
Records are usually delimited by a newline but this is not a must. The record delimiter defaults to the system line separator which is different depending on your operating system. If you use CSV files from other systems you must provide the correct line ending with the --csv-record-del parameter:
- Windows: \r\n
- Linux/Mac: \n
Fields can be delimited by any char and optionally be enclosed by quotation marks. The field delimiter defaults to ,
A simple example:
$ jasperstarter pr csv.jrxml -f view -t csv --data-file data.csv --csv-first-row
A more complex example:
$ jasperstarter pr csv.jrxml -f view -t csv --data-file data.csv \ --csv-columns Name,Phone --csv-record-del="\n" --csv-field-del="|" \ --csv-charset=cp1252
Reports with runtime parameters
Report parameters can consist of several types (classes). JasperStarter can generally handle all classes that have a constructor of type String. Additionally JasperStarter has special handlers for some classes that have no constructor of type String or otherwiese need special handling. These are:
- date, image, locale
Multiple parameters can be separated by spaces. A parameter has the following form:
- <name>=<value>
Replace name with the parameter name in your report. Parameter names are case sensitive !
The parameter type date accepts a date in ISO format in the form: YYYY-MM-DD
The parameter type locale may consist just of the two-letter ISO-639 language code or a combination of the two-letter ISO-639 language code and the two-letter ISO-3166 country code connected by an underscore. For example de or de_DE.
$ jasperstarter pr report.jasper -t mysql -u myuser -f pdf -H myhost -n mydb \ -o report -p secret -P CustomerNo=10 StartFrom=2012-10-01
The image parameter
A simple way of customizing a report is to provide a logo or background image as parameter. In the following example we use background as parameter name for the image:
- Create a parameter in your report and change it's properties:
- Name = background
- Parameter Class = java.awt.Image
- Place an image in your report and change it's properties:
- Image Expression = $P{background}
- Expression Class = java.awt.Image
- compile your report
Now you can process your report with JasperStarter:
$ jasperstarter pr report.jasper -t mysql -u myuser -f pdf -H myhost -n mydb \ -o report -p secret -P background=/tmp/mybackgroundimage.jpg
Quoting parameters that contain spaces
Particularly windows users may need to work with spaces in file names. There are two ways you can do that. Just quote the value:
c:\jasperstarter pr report.jasper -t mysql -u myuser -f pdf -H myhost -n mydb \ -o report -p secret -P background="C:\Temp Files\My Image.jpg" otherValue=1
or quote the whole parameter:
c:\jasperstarter pr report.jasper -t mysql -u myuser -f pdf -H myhost -n mydb \ -o report -p secret -P "background=C:\Temp Files\My Image.jpg" otherValue=1
Prompt for parameters
JasperStarter can ask for parameter input with option -a.
Every parameter defined in the report can be displayed but only those are supported for input, that have a type (class) with a constructor that takes one string as an argument or there is a special handler implemented for it.
It is possible to filter the displayed parameters with the following optional arguments:
- a - all parameters (including system parameters)
- ae - all empty parameters (parameters for which no value is provided on command line)
- p - all user defined parameters marked for prompting (this is the default if -a has no argument)
- pe - all empty user defined parameters marked for prompting
- u - all user defined parameters
- ue - all empty user defined parameters
In the following examples we assume a non database report which has two parameters:
- MyDate (java.util.Date)
- MyText (java.lang.String)
The user will be prompted for the two parameters:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f view -a
The user will be prompted for the two parameters. The MyDate parameter is already filled but the user can change it:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f view -P MyDate=2013-01-30 -a
The user will be prompted only for the empty MyText parameter. The MyDate parameter is already filled and not displayed:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f view -P MyDate=2013-01-30 -a pe
Reports with resources
Reports can use several resources like i18n resource bundles, icons, images or (compiled) subreports.
If a resource exists in the same directory as the report file just specify -r without any arguments:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f view -r
If the resource is located in another directory or in a jar file the path can be given as an argument:
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f view -r myresources/
$ jasperstarter pr myreport.jasper -f view -r myresources.jar
Exporting Reports using Metadata
The standard export to csv (xls, xlsx, ods) depends on layout and produces unexpected results most time. The solution to this is, at least for csv and xls, using metadata which clearly define which data is exported and how. This metadata must be added to the report definition jrxml.
See and
Additionaly use the format -f csvMeta instead of -f csv or -f xlsMeta instead of -f xls with JasperStarter. Have a look at the example section at the end of this file.
Reports with Subreports
Using subreports with JasperStarter can be a bit tricky and has some limitations. You have to use the datasource form the main report in the subreport which can be referenced with $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}
. It could be also a good idea to clone the datasource.
The subreport must be compiled before you can use it. It must be referenced with file ending .jasper
. The path to the subreport must be provided as a resource with option -r
This is a complete example subreport element using clone and a relative path to the subreport. Keep in mind to replace the data source class with the one you are using.
<subreport isUsingCache="false"> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="500" height="800"/> <dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[(( $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).cloneDataSource()]]></dataSourceExpression> <subreportExpression><![CDATA["subdir/mysubreport.jasper"]]></subreportExpression> </subreport>
A user of JasperStarter has written a nice tutorial for a subreport with XML datasource here:
The example report from this tutorial is included in the JasperStarter example directory. See main.jrxml_header.jrxml_details.jrxml
Reports using extensions or custom components
Not all extensions a delivered with JasperStarter by default. So if you want to use an extension you may have to put it's jar files into the classpath. This is an easy task. Just put the jar files into the jdbc directory under the JasperStarter installation directory.
Reports with chart customizers
The needed libraries are now distributed with JasperStarter.
Reports with custom fonts
Jaspersoft Studio has an option to create a jar file of your fonts. Just put this jar file into the jdbc folder of JasperStarter.
File Handling
If the input file (option -i
) is not found, .jasper is added to the filename first, if the file is still not found .jrxml is added to the filename. So you can omit the file extension.
If the .jrxml file is used, it will be compiled in memory and used for further processing except you provide option -w
which causes the compiled report to be written to the input directory.
A .jrprint file can be used as input but must specified with full filename.
If the output file or directory ( option -o
) is omitted, parent of the input file is used as output directory and the basename of the input file is used for as output filename:
(...) myreports/report1 -f pdf odt
(...) myreports/report1.jasper -f pdf odt
(...) myreports/report1.jrxml -f pdf odt
results in:
myreports/report1.odt myreports/report1.pdf
If output is an existing directory, basename of input is used as filename in that directory:
(...) myreports/report1.jasper -f pdf odt -o month01/
results in:
month01/report1.odt month01/report1.pdf
If output is NOT an existing directory, its name is used as basename for filenames:
(...) myreports/report1.jasper -f pdf odt -o month01/
results in:
month01/ month01/
There are several example reports provided whithin the JasperStarter distribution. They can be found in the examples folder.
For the following examples cd into the examples folder and execute the commands as described.
List of example files:
Blank_A4_1.jasper Blank_A4_1.jrxml CancelAck.jrxml CancelAck.xml charactersetTest.jasper charactersetTest.jrxml charactersetTestWithStudioBuiltinFunctions.jrxml contacts.json contacts.xml csv.jrxml csvExampleHeaders.csv csvMeta.jrxml details.jasper details.jrxml header.jasper header.jrxml json.jrxml jsonql.jrxml main.jrxml noDB-i18n.jrxml noDB-params.jrxml
A simple report whithout any datasource (just static text) showing different character sets. To view this report type:
$ jasperstarter pr charactersetTest.jrxml -f view
To get a pdf from this report type:
$ jasperstarter pr charactersetTest.jrxml -f pdf
Viewing the pdf you will miss the foreign characters as long as you did not provide the Arial font as a resouce. See Unicode PDF export
To view the report type:
$ jasperstarter pr csv.jrxml -f view -t csv --data-file csvExampleHeaders.csv --csv-first-row --csv-field-del "|"
To export the report to csv type:
$ jasperstarter pr csv.jrxml -f csv -t csv --data-file csvExampleHeaders.csv --csv-first-row --csv-field-del "|" --out-field-del "|"
To export the report to xls type:
$ jasperstarter pr csv.jrxml -f xsl -t csv --data-file csvExampleHeaders.csv --csv-first-row --csv-field-del "|"
The results are probably not what you expect. The csv data depends on the layout of the report and may be not row by row. See csv.csv. The xls export tries to mimic the print layout which is not useful if you want to post process the data in Excel.
This is an example report for exporting csv or xls with the help of metadata. Don't get confused by the fact that the report uses a csv file as datasource. The output of the export should result in a file named csvMeta.csv or csvMeta.xls depending on -f.
To just view the report type:
$ jasperstarter pr csvMeta.jrxml -f view -t csv --data-file csvExampleHeaders.csv --csv-first-row --csv-field-del "|"
To make the csv metadata export type:
$ jasperstarter pr csvMeta.jrxml -f csvMeta -t csv --data-file csvExampleHeaders.csv --csv-first-row --csv-field-del "|" --out-field-del "|"
The input and output files should only differ in line ending depending on your operating system.
$ diff -yW140 --ignore-all-space csvExampleHeaders.csv csvMeta.csv
To make the xls metadata export type:
$ jasperstarter pr csvMeta.jrxml -f xlsMeta -t csv --data-file csvExampleHeaders.csv --csv-first-row --csv-field-del "|"
To have an idea on how to add metadata to your report just take a look on csv.jrxml and csvMeta.jrxml. They mainly differ in the added metadata, the order of the fields and a fixed string.
This is a report with a xml datasource. To view it type:
$ jasperstarter pr CancelAck.jrxml -f view -t xml --xml-xpath /CancelResponse/CancelResult/ID --data-file CancelAck.xml
This is a report with a json datasource. To view it type:
$ jasperstarter pr json.jrxml -f view -t json --json-query contacts.person --data-file contacts.json
This is a report with a jsonql datasource. To view it type:
$ jasperstarter pr jsonql.jrxml -f view -t jsonql --jsonql-query contacts.person --data-file contacts.json
This is a localized report. To start with the defaults just type:
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-i18n.jrxml -f view
To start explicit with german localisation you have three options. The first and the second option change the locale of the user interface too:
Change the locale of the environment (Unix)
$ LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 jasperstarter pr noDB-i18n.jrxml -f view
Provide the locale parameter:
$ jasperstarter --locale de_DE pr noDB-i18n.jrxml -f view
Provide the build in report parameter REPORT_LOCALE. This changes only the locale inside the report but the UI remains in the default locale (your systems locale):
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-i18n.jrxml -f view -P REPORT_LOCALE=de_DE
Same with russian localisation:
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-i18n.jrxml -f view -P REPORT_LOCALE=ru
This report accepts parameters. If you don't provide a parameter the report can be shown but the values are empty:
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-params.jrxml -f view
To get a list of possible parameters type:
$ jasperstarter lpa noDB-params.jrxml
Let JasperStarter ask you for the Parameters:
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-params.jrxml -f view -a
Provide one or more parameters on command line (Parameter names are case sensitive):
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-params.jrxml -f view -P myString="My first Parameter" myInt=5
Provide a parameter on command line as a default but ask the user for all parameters:
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-params.jrxml -f view -P myString="My first Parameter" -a
Provide a parameter on the command line and ask the user only for the remaining empty ones:
$ jasperstarter pr noDB-params.jrxml -f view -P myString="My first Parameter" -a pe
main.jrxml, header.jrxml, details.jrxml
The main report references two subreports. The subreports must be compiled, the main report not:
$ jasperstarter cp header.jrxml $ jasperstarter cp details.jrxml $ jasperstarter pr main.jrxml -f view -t xml --xml-xpath=/ --data-file contacts.xml -r .